
Get an overview of your things

There are many benefits to having an overview of your stuff. Among other things, that you become more aware of the values you are sitting on and that it will be much easier for you to make smart choices, such as repairing something that is broken, or selling something that is no longer in use.

Your things have value

It's not always easy to remember that the skis you never wear, or the jacket with a slit hanging in the back of the closet, actually have value. As you become more aware of what these things are worth it becomes more fun to repair what is broken, or sell things you don't need.

This is how you get an overview

The easiest thing is to let Tings extract the stuff you've bought from receipts and customer club history. Enable “Automatically collect purchases” from select stores, forward receipts you have emailed to your personal Tings address, or take a picture of physical receipts with the Tings app. Of course, you can also enter things completely manually when you don't have a receipt.

Create your own overview

Create your own folders and organize the way you want. No one knows better than you how you want it, so give the folders the names you think are best. Then you will have a better overview of values and it will be easier to identify the things you care about.

Make it a habit to take a picture of your receipt as you leave the store. This way you get an overview of your things and you always have access to the receipt should you need it!

Feel free to send us suggestions on how we can make it easier to get an overview.