
Sell what you no longer use

Most people have a drawer of electronics that we'll never use again, or a storage room full of stuff we've forgotten we have. It is better for everyone if these things can be given new life to someone who needs them. The problem is that not everyone finds it equally fun to sell things, so that's why we try to make it a lot easier.

Mark the things you don't use for sale

When you sort your stuff, you'll notice it's no longer using “For Sale” 💰 Retrieve past purchases from retailers you've enabled under Profile, paper receipts you've uploaded, or receipts and orders you've forwarded to your unique Things email address. View your unique email address from the plus button.

Tings take the case

Tings estimates second hand value, picks up bids and other sales opportunities 🤓 The service is free and will only get better with more recommended sales opportunities integrated into the app.

Sell in a couple of clicks

Sell right to acquirer or create your own ad with ready-made content from Tings ✅

Pro tip:

When you sell a thing with a history and receipt in Tings, you often get paid more 🤑 After the sale, you can transfer ownership to the new owner.

See statistics

See all the things you've sold and how much you've earned 📈

The reason why it's so simple

We have a huge database of product information so that when you mark something in the app, we already know what specs that thing has, what it was sold for new, and what others have sold it for. Then it will be much easier for us and those who may be interested in buying, to give you good answers. Without you having to provide lots of information you don't know.