
Forward Email Receipts

The vast majority have a ton of receipts by email. They come every time you buy something in an online store. We're working on building a link between email and Tings that will make your purchases pop up automatically, but until then you can easily forward to the app from your email. Here's how to do it:

1. Find your unique receipt address in Tings

Anyone who downloads Tings gets their own receipt address: receipt [your phone number] @tings .com. Receipts sent there show up in the app. You can find the address by pressing the plus button in your app. If you have trouble finding it feel free to chat with us in the app.

2. Forward Emails

Open your email client and find the receipts you want to get into the Things app. A tip is to search “receipt” in the search bar to bring up most. Once you find the correct receipt press “forward” and send to your unique Tings' receipt mail.

You can do this with as many receipts as you want, but it is important that you forward one by one, not many receipts in the same email.